Armaf Frequently Asked Questions

How can I place an order on your website?

Kindly follow the steps below to place an order:

  • Visit us on and select the items you like, select your quantity and go to ‘Add to Cart.’
  • You can ‘View Cart’ or ‘Proceed to Checkout.’
  • Enter your Billing Details
  • Place Order

Please note that we are currently delivering in KUWAIT.

Enjoy your Shopping!

The item I want is out of stock. What should I do?

Our manufacturing site has an annual production capacity of approximately 125 million pieces so We rarely go out of stock.

However, in this unlikely case, you can send us an email at or WhatsApp us at +971 54 3057019


What are your delivery locations?

We offer delivery to all regions of the KUWAIT.

Do you offer international delivery?

We are in the process of expanding our logistics solutions and would soon be offering deliveries outside KUWAIT. We will keep you posted.

Enjoy your Shopping!

How can I track my order?

Your order will be delivered by the expected date specified on your order. The expected delivery date is the date on or before which you can reasonably expect the item to arrive at your preferred shipping address.

When will I receive my order?

Your item will be delivered within 7-10 working days.

(Delivery times are estimates and are subject to the acceptance and approval of your order.)

Payment Methods

What payment methods do you accept?

At the moment we accept only Cash on Delivery (COD).

Enjoy your Shopping!


Which currency will the payment be made in?

Purchases and shipping costs are charged in the official currency of the shipping destination.


Returns & Exchanges

How can I exchange my product?

You can log in to your account.

Navigate to My Orders.

Click on Return Item.


Once the items have been collected by our courier service and reach our facility, we will ship out your exchange items within 3 working days.

Rules and Conditions for Exchanges:

  • Exchange can only be made within 7 days from the date of delivery.
  • The Products must be returned in their original condition and their complete original packaging, unopened and sealed, along with any accessories associated with the Products (promotional gifts included).

Enjoy your Shopping With Armaf!

What is the return notice period?

You can request a return within 7 days upon receipt of the order.